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An opportunity to pray

Hello dear friends and family,

I come to you with another brief update on Mom and a specific prayer request from the family.

I will begin by catching everyone up with what’s unfolded since the last post. Over the past couple weeks, Mom has made one trip to UPenn where we learned in more detail about what’s being seen on the MRI (the cancer has spread to the other side of her brain) and we were informed of the possibility of further treatment options. Since that appointment, Mom will be heading back to Upenn on Monday where she will meet with a surgeon to discuss more specifically the possibility of one course of treatment which may involve surgery.

As this trial continues, we humbly ask for your continued prayers. We as a family talked and want to be more intentional about praying that God is glorified through our testimony. As part of doing this we decided to take a moment to pray specifically for this request every Tuesday at 1pm. We invite everyone, if you can, to join us in prayer at this time each week. We simply ask you to pause if even for a moment and pray for this request along with us.

We are so grateful for your support, cards, and prayers. So, so, so grateful. Mom continues to express her gratitude with tear-filled eyes because there are no words to convey how touched she is by each and every one of you. Your support is cherished and we are all overwhelmed and touched by your love.

Thank you for being a part of this journey!

We would be remiss not to pass along a few praises from the home-front. We are praising God that He is granting Mom peace as this journey continues to unfold. We are also thankful that she continues to experience no pain and that her vision, which had become blurry since the last bout of seizures has been improving.

To God be the glory. Praise His name.

“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, And Your glory above all the earth.”

Psalm 108:5

Blessings to you all!


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