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Blessed with Peace

To our family, friends, church family, and all of the wonderful people who have lifted us in prayer,

Jeff and I thank you.

I was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor called Glioblastoma (GBM). This was quite an emotional week for us. We cried together and we laughed together. I want everyone to know God has blessed me with total peace and no fear of the future. I am anticipating what God is going to do through this experience in life. Who am I going to meet that I can influence for Jesus and how am I going to be blessed by others? Even though our prayer is for physical healing, if God's plan is different, we are at peace and want Him praised, lifted up, and honored for His faithfulness in our lives.

Pray that God will give Jeff and the girls the wisdom to discern the correct course of treatment and the facility where the treatments should be received.

Our daughters were taught to be servants and it's been no more evident than in the past two weeks as things have come into focus regarding my cancer. They married spiritual leaders who are supporting all of us and lifting us up. I'm asking for your prayers in lifting up Jeff and I, our daughters and their husbands and our 15 grandchildren.

Jeff's new employer, White and Reader, has been wonderful and supportive during the past week. The has created a hardship for them and they worked around it to give Jeff the time off to be here with me. I need them to know the blessing they have been to me.

My ability to concentrate is limited. Having conversations can be difficult so phone calls and visits are not possible right now. Your many cards and notes are very uplifting. Thank you so much.

I love and miss you all,


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