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My Savior is Bigger than any Dumb GBM Tumor

Dear Family, friends, our Bethany Church Family, and to all of you who don't even personally know, but have sent messages and notes letting us know that you are lifting us up in prayer; thank you. We feel your prayers. We're overwhelmed by the expressions of love and blessings received through your cards, notes, emails, and messages.

I am still doing well. As the swelling from the surgery to my brain gets less, I am able to think more clearly. In fact I am typing this letter to you, which would have been impossible even a few days ago. It may take most of the day to complete it, but I am doing it.

I now have more of an understanding of what glioblastoma (GBM) is. It is a very difficult cancer to fight. It is a cancerous brain tumor that is made up of multiple different types of cancer cells. No two people who have GBM are fighting the same war. It is very individualized and difficult to stop. It grows very quickly and that is why people are in stage 3 or 4 when they are diagnosed. The surgery removed 80% of the tumor. I will start my chemo and radiation in the next week or so. I will have radiation treatments Monday through Friday for 6 weeks along with an oral chemotherapy. I see my chemotherapy doctor next week and learn more about that treatment and how long it will last.

With that said, I am not worried. God is in control and holding this tumor in His hands. I am fine, I am happy, I am not discouraged. I am not by nature a brave person; but God has gifted me with a tremendous amount of confidence and peace to get me through this time. I know that my Savior is bigger than any dumb GBM tumor. I am a blessed woman. I have my Savior and his promise of everlasting life. I have an amazing family, and those who know Jeff, know that I did really well in the husband department. He is a wonderful husband, father, and Pap.


Praise God for the continued peace he has given me and my family. What a gift.

I thank God for the sweet times I've had with Him since my diagnosis. For several nights I barely slept because of the effects of my medicine. I had some amazing times with God during those sleepless nights.

I praise God for all that He has done and is about to do as He claims victory over this tumor in any way He sees fit.

Prayer Requests

Pray for my family as I know this has been a very difficult time for them.

I ask for prayer for physical healing and that this tumor is destroyed

I ask for wisdom for the doctors caring for me.

I pray that I will find opportunities to share the gospel with others during my treatments.

Love you all,

Have a wonderful week


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