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The Battle Begins

Dear Family, Friends, and those who I have not even met who are praying for us,

You are precious to us. Your cards , letters, and messages mean more to us than you can imagine. They lift both Jeff and I up, and comfort us. Sometimes they bring us to tears, but that is all right, they are good tears. The love and encouragement we have received from o=you is overwhelming. I thank you.

It is hard to believe that my surgery was five weeks ago. I spent the first two weeks mainly sleeping or resting. The last three weeks I've spent trying to build up my strength, and have gone to countless medical appointments. This Monday the battle begins. I will begin six weeks of oral chemotherapy, which I will take daily. During the same time I will be given radiation Monday through Friday for six weeks.

The area of my brain that was affected by the tumor makes it more difficult for me to read, write and work with numbers. I am so glad that I have graduated from elementary school. My tumor is also in the area of the brain that has affected my ability to multi-task. Believe me; I definitely can no longer do two things at one time. When I went to my doctor appointment on Friday, I discussed the multi-tasking problem with him. He just said that I will now know what it is like to be a man. Many glioblastoma tumors are located in the part of the brain that affects personality. My daughters have tried to make me feel better by saying they would rather have me with my wit and sense of humor, they don't care so much about my intelligence and multi-tasking abilities. Oh goody!

With love from Robin


I praise God for all of you who are praying for me. I can feel God's healing hands on me. I have faith that God has great plans for me.

I praise him for a wonderful and amazing family.

I praise God for all he has done and is about to do as He claims victory over this tumor.

Prayer Requests

Pray for my dear family during this time. This has been a very difficult time for them.

Now is the time I need all of my prayer warriors on deck. Please join me in prayer and faith in believing this 'incurable' tumor will be destroyed and my testimony will bring glory to God.

I pray for the Holy Spirit to give me the words I need to share the gospel with others during my treatments.

Today was one of those days I received a card from someone I don't even know. They are friends of my daughters. This verse was on the card. Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. I felt instant peace as I envisioned the Lord on that radiation table, going ahead of me and staying with me. How sweet is that?

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