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A Little Down, but Back Up Again

Greetings to my Family, friends, and to my dear friends who I have not even met who are praying for us,

I know I have said this before, but I need to say it again. Your cards, messages, and letters are so meaningful to me. I am overwhelmed by your love and kindness. I reread them over and over again. They remind me of how big our God is, and the power he has. They also provide me with hope, strength, and even laughter. It also is so wonderful to know that the body of Christ is lifting me in prayer. Please feel free to send me any prayer requests that you may have. I spend a considerable time in prayer and would love to pray for you.

The past two weeks have been a little more difficult for me. I completed two weeks of my chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I have another four weeks and then I get a four week break. After my four week break, the doctors will do an MRI and CAT scan to see if the treatments were helpful. Doctors told me that if I have a particular gene, my treatment would be more successful. Unfortunately, I found out this week that I do not carry the gene. So therefore, according to doctors, my life expectancy will be half of what it would be if I had carried the gene. Possibly these doctors do not know the power of my God.

I must say that I did get a little down the past two weeks, but I am back up again. I did not want to start these treatments. I wanted an obvious miraculous healing, like possibly an angel holding my hand as God sent healing lightning through the window. Yea, that didn't happen. That doesn't mean that Hw hasn't healed me or won't heal me. It just mens he didn't choose the Robin approach. I know that whatever God chooses for me is what is best.


I praise God for all of you who are praying for me. I can feel God's healing hans on me. I have faith that God has great plans for me.

Jeff was able to get a few weeks of local work. Praise God.

Praise God for my wonderful daughters who are taking me to all of my treatments and Dr. appointments, and for their husbands who are supporting all of us.

I praise God for my wonderful husband.

I praise God for all He has done and is about to do as he claims victory over this tumor.

Prayer Requests

Now is the time that I need all of my prayer warriors on deck. Please join me in prayer and faith in believing that this 'incurable' tumor will be destroyed and my testimony will bring glory to God.

I pray for the Holy Spirit to give me the words I need to share the gospel with others during my treatments.

Jeff and I will be traveling to Penn in Philadelphia to talk to them about further treatment. This si a treatment called immune therapy. I will know more in a couple weeks.

Love in Christ,


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