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Ambulance, ER, Hospital Stay

(Picture taken September 2016)

Just a quick update on our day.

Our Mom was taken to the hospital by ambulance this morning. It is believed she is having increased swelling in her brain that caused her not to be able to use her right side, to barely be able to speak and she was experiencing confusion. This swelling is a common, continuing side effect of her radiation. It is also believed she may be having seizures. She has been admitted and will continue to have testing this evening to rule out anything else. She has been put on IV steroids and IV seizure medication which appear to be helping.

Praising Jesus for; Sarah who stopped by unexpectedly this morning and found her in this state and could call for help, Jon to once again have vacation at the most perfect time, Dad to be able to leave work immediately, a friend as Mom's ER nurse and for Joel's mom who again helped my sister with child care. We feel so grateful for the woven tapestry of today's events that made a very difficult situation much easier to handle.

We as a family our still requesting no visitors but covet your prayers for Mom.

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