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An Uphill Battle

(Picture taken at our Thanksgiving Gathering)

Just wanted to give you all an update on my mom. But before I begin, I need to say once again, thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. I speak for Mom and the entire family in saying this means so much to us! The past two weeks have been some of the most difficult since the diagnosis in August, but God continues to be gracious to Mom and all of us in many ways. "Blessed are those whose hope is in the LORD their God." Psalms 146:5


The seizures Mom experienced just two weeks ago have created quite the set-back in her progress. As a result of the seizures, Mom had to go back on steroids and her anti-seizure medication was increased. The combination of these two things plus the trauma in her brain from the seizures has made her recovery VERY slow. Steroids are a blessing and a curse. The side effects from them are devastating. The main symptom she is experiencing is EXTREME weakness. Occupational and physical therapists are coming to the house throughout the week yet she has continued to get weaker. It is an uphill battle, but she is a determined person and a trooper! The side effects from the higher dose of anti-seizure medication are also not desirable, so she is in the process of weaning off that medication and onto another one. At the same time, she is weaning onto a lower dose of steroids. We are hopeful that this will be the start of good changes. One thing that has gotten better on a daily basis is her clarity of mind. Her thought process and ability to perform tasks is getting better everyday. Praise God!

All that to be said, I am thankful and see God's hand in all of this. I have found myself falling victim of discouragement and disappointment throughout the past two weeks. I know I am not alone in these feelings as my family would say the same. But God is with us. We know that, and it is very evident as we see Him granting us many blessings.

Just some of these Blessings...

* I thank God for the medicine that is doing exactly what it should to help Mom. Even though it brings with it things that are undesired, without it, the outcome of this would have been much different.

* Once again God is bringing people into our lives who we would have otherwise not met. I am grateful for them and what they are doing to help. I am also thankful for the handy tools they have showed us as an aide for life's daily tasks. Mom has always been a fan of gadgets, and they have introduced us to a whole new world of gadgets. They bring with them ideas and a bag that would make Mary Poppins proud. Also, a speech therapist is now working with Mom. I am hoping this helps her with some of the clarity issues she has struggled with since the initial diagnosis.

* In the midst of all of this, Mom was able to go to an eye specialist to get an updated glasses prescription! Typically, this would be a minor task, but this time it was a BIG deal! The tumor has affected her vision and it wasn't until now that they were able to do the tests needed to get an accurate prescription. She is looking forward to being able to see more clearly as this has been plaguing her for months. This appointment also revealed that Mom does not have permanent eye damage from the tumor. This is news we were hoping to hear!

* This next one makes me smile and tear up when I think about it. God is so good. Mom's neurologist is a great doctor, but very difficult to make an appointment with. (As good doctors often are!) One particular day this week, in the wee hours of the morning, my sister and I were discussing that something needed to be done that day to get mom into the neurologist as day after day we were watching her decline in certain ways. (We had already tried to get her in, and the soonest appointment was 6 weeks out!) And wouldn't you know that when their office opened that very morning, they called and simply said, "Your doctor would like to see you today, can you come in this afternoon?" THIS appointment is what made the necessary medicine changes possible! At the visit, we asked the doctor what made her call and request to see mom that day. She said she had a cancellation and Mom popped up in her mind as someone she'd like to follow- up with, so she had her staff call to see if she could come in. The doctor was totally unaware of our concerns. God is not a God of coincidences or chance. He orchestrated all of that for us.

* A blessing I have yet to really put into words is the amazing example I have to see my parents live out their marriage vows. Words they spoke to each other decades ago; "In sickness and in health." Sickness is not easy, and THIS is especially difficult. They have both held fast to this commitment in many ways over the years. Now I see them lifting one another up as they take turns leaning on the other for strength. This strength can only be coming from God.

* Given the past two weeks events, we praise God that Mom was able to have Thanksgiving and celebrate the holiday with family. She was even strong enough at the time to make eight delicious pies among other desserts. She also made a side of mashed potatoes; enough for 30 people! She was discouraged with the amount of time and effort this took her. But seriously, she had just been hospitalized with seizures only one week before. That's pretty awesome! And her food tasted as delicious as ever! One of her son-in-laws commented that it was the most delicious pecan pie he ever tasted. The holiday was also nestled into the most perfect timing with all of this. By the time our Thanksgiving get-together rolled around, she was home from the hospital, her mind had time to heal and clear-up a bit, and, had it been just a little bit later, she would have been feeling the effects of the medicine that much more making the gathering not as enjoyable or possible. I am thankful for our Thanksgiving.

As we thank God for these things, we do ask for continued prayer.

Please pray....

- that even during the most difficult times, we will continue to give Him all the Glory!

- that Mom's body will respond well to the medication changes and that the effects from the medication will begin to improve

- that she is able regain her strength quickly. I know that if it is God's will, He can make this happen in an unexplained short amount of time. Please pray with me in this way.

- for all of us, but especially for Mom and Dad as they process and work through this set-back.

- as there are decisions to be made concerning further treatment. We need guidance concerning what, where, which plan, possible trials, etc....

- that God's Will is for ultimate healing for Mom from this cancer. Our faith remains that God will or has healed Mom from this terminal illness.

Blessings to you all!


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