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Merry Christmas!

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes! We feel them deeply and take them to heart. Your care, concern, love, and kindness is a blessing to Mom, Dad and all of us. Thank you!

Mom keeps every single card she's received in a basket in her living room; always in her eyesight. When I was at her house last week, I got to look for yet another "bigger than the last" basket. I found one of the biggest baskets she owns, and it's already all but over-flowing. Now that's an awesome way to use a basket!


Mom is doing okay.

That is the simple way of saying that, she has been better; better mentally, physically, and emotionally. But even so, she is doing....okay.

For Mom and all of us, the seizure set-back in mid-November came out of nowhere. And since, it has been the longest that she has been set back from a set-back. (And that's saying a lot given that in 4 1/2 months she has had brain surgery and 6 weeks of chemo and radiation; all of which were set-backs.) This has been hard for Mom and the entire family; it's discouraging. But again, she and all of us are okay.

Since the last update, Mom went through 5 days of oral chemo. She handled this like a champ. She is amazing. She has always been a tough one and a fighter, but I never saw these qualities of hers play-out like they have in the past few weeks. Talk about kicking someone while they're down! My poor mother went from being weaker than weak (on account of her seizures and medicine) and then was scheduled to take 5 days of poison because Glioblastomas wait for no one. God gave her what she needed to get through those 5 days. During this time, she was minimally sick, beyond exhausted, and cheering for day 5 to be over and done with. Since the completion of the last day, we have seen her get stronger. That has been nice to see; it is ever so slow, but it is an improvement all the same.

She continues to see her physical therapist and speech therapist twice a week. I am grateful for what they are doing in her battle to get better...and yes it is a battle. I see the frustration across her face when she is challenged mentally with things that once came so easy. And I see the struggle it is for her to complete the exercises given by the physical therapist that once were beyond simple to do. But more times than not, she does all this with a smile on her face. And it's during these times that I am reminded of that quick wit she has. We aren't seeing that as often these days, but it's there! I love her humor!

Since the hospital stay, we have met with her oncologist, neurologist, and neurosurgeon. They all have said that the MRI from that hospital stay showed good results. But the MRI was done slightly earlier than what is typically scheduled post radiation and chemo, so we will wait for the next MRI to get better details on the nasty bugger in her head!!! (Or as my son calls it, "the hamster." His two year old pronunciation of cancer comes out "hamster." I think it is God's way of allowing me to smile through his sweet prayers as he all but daily, on his own, asks God to take away "da hamster in Mammy's head.") The MRI is not scheduled yet, but we expect it to happen mid to late January.

So, Mom continues in the fight, and we all continue to glorify God and thank Him because in the midst of these trials we are blessed! And what better way to do this than to celebrate Christmas. WHAT A BLESSING!!!

Yes. Christmas is going to be hard this year. Yes! Christmas is not going to be the same this year. YES! If all I did for Christmas was get together for tradition's sake, I don't think I'd be up for it this year.'s CHRISTMAS!!! We are celebrating Christ's birth. So in spite of what is happening, it is all the more that we are thankful this Christmas for the gift of our Savior and the hope that we have in Him. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Without Him, I would be in shambles, but instead, because of Him, I can find joy and have peace. Praise be to God my Lord and Savior!

Blessings and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:2-4

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7


-Mom handled her 5 days of chemo pretty well.

-Mom has remained safe as she maneuvers through her home and ventures out for doctor appointments all while being so weak.

-Mom seems to be slowly getting stronger

-Mom has not had any more seizures that we are aware of

-That the MRI showed good results!

-Mom's eye glasses came in. First time she's seeing clearly in months!

-Christmas and the gift of God's Son, the Savior of the world!

Please pray...

-That Mom can enjoy Christmas with all of us without it being too much.

-That Mom continues to improve physically and mentally.

-For mom as she anticipates her next 5 days of chemo a week after the new year.

-For Mom, Dad, and the rest of the family as we support one another in this. There are so many ups and downs that it can be hard to process at times.

-That we continue to give God the Glory through all of this.

-That God would totally heal her from this "Hamster"

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