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Worth Waiting For...

(Pictures taken from our Easter)

Thank you for your patience as some weeks have passed since the last update. And before I begin to tell you about the most recent events, we want to thank you, again, for your continued cards, thoughts, and prayers. I feel like a broken record expressing our thanks, but we want you to know that our gratitude is heartfelt, and we cannot go without saying how much it means to us! The basket of cards, which has been mentioned before, sits in my parent's living room and is busting-out at the seams. Mom has saved each and every one and enjoys adding newly-received cards daily. This is not only an encouragement to Mom and Dad, but the rest of us as well. The cards are cherished. Just this past week mom asked to look through her basket and gave a chuckle when I struggled to pick it up. There are so many, it is somewhat beastly! Then again, my mother not only refers to me as the "want-to-be boss" but "the weak one" as well. She finds humor in reminding me about my strength, or lack there of, often. But seriously, per mom's request, the cards were counted and the total came in over 400. Thank you for this 'hefty' blessing and thoughtfulness! This is just one of many ways my family has been blessed with kindness. Now to the update...This update has come with some delay because the MRI that mom was scheduled to have a few weeks ago was postponed twice, but good news is worth waiting for. Yes, you heard it, I said good news! Since the latest MRI, Mom has seen both her oncologist and neuro surgeon who were both happy to report that things have GREATLY IMPROVED since the last MRI. The neuro surgeon expressed how happy he is for mom and used the word "impressed" when he explained to us the improvements he saw. The word "wow" came from the surgeon's mouth, and rung in our ears, as he showed us the results on the computer. God's work is so evident that even our medically-uneducated selves saw the vast improvement. God is good! We are also seeing improvements in Mom that mirror what the doctors are reading from the scan. Mom is getting stronger each week and even started to do some things in the kitchen again. These tasks are performed with guidance from her lovely assistants, formerly known as, "The Groff Girls," but even so, it is such a blessing and praise to see her falling back into some good old habits. Please continue to pray for Mom and complete restoration. Mom's confusion gets the best of her at times and can cause great frustration. We continue to pray that she can regain a consistently clear mind. And most importantly, praise God with us for these improvements and healing. And praise God for His continued grace in giving us all the strength, patience, and peace that we need for each day as He grows us closer to Him through this time. We serve a mighty and powerful God! Praise His name!



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