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A Roller-Coaster

I recently checked the date of the latest blog post and realized how long it had been since the last update. Although most days feel long, the weeks go fast, and the months even faster...and don't even get me started how quickly a year goes by! (Can I get an Amen!) Needless to say, my excuse for this bout of silence is that, like most of you, life's been busy, but be comforted in the actuality that this quietness is more-so due to the fact news is good news! And to put an end to this absence, I thought I'd give a quick update. (CAUTION: The word 'quick' in the previous sentence should be taken loosely!)

I am with Mom as I write this and informed her of this 'brief' posting. I told her I wasn't sure how brief I would be able to make it because, from what I've been told, I can get a bit long-winded. She laughed before I even finished saying this and exclaimed, "I know!"...possibly with a little bit of loving, motherly-annoyance in her voice. She's hilarious! I responded with some loving, daughterly-humor, "I'd guess I got it from you, Mom."...Because we all know I certainly didn't get it from Dad! She chose to ignore that comment! - making the conversation even more humorous! This 'brief' update was prompted by many of you commenting that you hadn't heard anything in a while followed by the question, "How is your mom/wife, doing?" Thank you for showing care and love by asking this simple question. This simple question has a whirl-wind of an answer. I know for myself, my mind darts around trying to find the most accurate response; a response that entangles a roller-coaster of emotions.

To put it simply, things are good. Mom is stable and has improved in many ways. We have had many celebrations in the past month or so...Mother's Day, Father's Day, and a number of grandchildren's birthday parties. They have all been sweet times spent together as always; full of cousin commotion and laughter from all. God is so good and continues to bless Mom and all of us!! He is to be praised!

This doesn't mean that things aren't tough. Like I said earlier, life as we know it has been engulfed by a roller-coaster of emotions brought about by a roller-coaster of a journey. I, for one, am not a fan of the these ghastly rides at theme parks, and Mom has a dislike for coasters even stronger than my own. But, if there is anyone we want to be riding this roller-coaster with, it is our Lord Jesus Christ. He's right there with us, seeing us through every turn and flip and lately has been allowing the coaster to ride quite smoothly. On the medical end of things, Mom is doing well, and for those of you who have been able to set aside a few extra minutes to continue to read this 'brief' update in it's entirety, I'd like to share more specifically some of the ways God has blessed Mom.

She has maintained her strength - Praise the Lord - It is nice to have Mom walking with a walker because this has not always been the case throughout this journey, so we don't want to take for granted the strength she has worked at gaining and maintaining!

She has an appetite - Praise the Lord - She is often asked by the medical professionals if she has an appetite, and she always responds with a chuckle, "I have a wonderful appetite." This is a blessing as not everyone in her shoes does.

She is doing well on the infusions she receives every other week - Praise the Lord - God has allowed this medicine to work in tremendous ways. I would go as far as to say that it has worked beyond the doctor's expectations. God is working in wonderful ways!

Mom is not in pain - Praise the Lord - Many people ask me this, so I am assuming others of you wonder the same thing. Thankfully, she is not. Again, this should not be taken for granted. Besides when she was recovering from the original brain surgery and some discomfort from radiation, this has been a mostly pain-free trial.

Mom's confusion isn't as bad as it could be - Praise the Lord - Mom's confusion is frustrating for her; she desires to be able to think more clearly. It's a tough thing to explain, but I will try my best to give you a little window into her struggles so you can pray for her more specifically...She knows all of us by name (which I point out because this is something she struggled with back in August and was one of the symptoms that led to her diagnosis) She has a wonderful long-term memory, but struggles with short-term memory stuff, and also struggles being able to process the information needed to perform basic tasks and communicate correct words. She is improving in many ways, though, and that is a blessing.

All in all, the doctors have been quite pleased and impressed with mom's progress. Her oncologist ordered a routine MRI that she got this week, and we anticipate receiving the results next week. We will keep you posted.

I asked Mom if she would like to include anything in this post. "Tell everyone, thank you," she said. Having so many of you behind her on this roller-coater is such a HUGE encouragement. Your cards, care, and thoughtfulness are not in vain. Thank you!


Your continued prayers are appreciated! Pray for mom as she struggles daily with confusion. Pray for clarity of mind and patience as she works through this. Please pray that Mom will continue to get stronger. She has come such a long way but has a ways to go. Pray for safety for her as she works at getting stronger. And pray for patience for mom as she desires for more independence. We love being with her, and always have, but she would like to spend her days without the need of someone with her all the time. She does a good job putting up with us...daily! Pray for all of us as we go through this journey together. It seems to only be making us stronger. To God be the glory! -So continue praise God with us! Blessings


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