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A Year in the Making

Greetings to you all!

With Thanksgiving only days away, I thought it no better than to write an update of thankfulness; starting with each of you. We again thank all of you who have been walking through this journey along side us. Your continued cards, prayers, and support are priceless. When I asked Mom if there was anything she would like to include in her blog update, she answered with saying how she continues to appreciate the cards and letters and finds them so supportive. All of us, Dad, myself, my three sisters and our families, echo her appreciation. We thank God for the blessing and support that you have been to us.

To say I am beyond thankful for my mother is an understatement. And right now I am especially thankful for my mom and her growing independence. It has been almost a year that her independence, that being the ability to go about daily life as usual and by herself, slowly dwindled until it was gone. It was last year at this time the seizure occurred. This took place in the middle of her cherished break from treatments; sandwiched between the completion of radiation and the restart of chemo treatments looming around the corner. She had been anticipating this break with much excitement. She was so ready to live 'normal' life for even just a few weeks; no doctors, no appointments, Thanksgiving with the family, and some alone time. I mention alone time because in the weeks leading up to this much anticipated break, she was not bashful in sharing that, although she very much appreciated us, she was eager not to see our darling faces on a daily basis anymore. Us daughters had been taking turns chauffeuring her to radiation appointments daily and helping around the house while she was undergoing treatments. (Absence makes the heart grow fonder.) In all fairness the thoughts were mutual as we were ready to stop hearing whose van was the cleanest, or should I say dirtiest, and how we ranked as drivers...which we in turn blamed on our driving instructor AKA Dad. (Actually, he was a great teacher and only made us cry a handful of times...possibly more.) But these blissful weeks she had so patiently waited for and deserved were rudely interrupted with a seizure setback, followed by a hospital stay, only to be discharged home with a walker as a souvenir and under the loving care of her darling daughter's and husband once again. And so it began, the downward spiral of her loss of independence as a homemaker, daughter, sister, grandmother, mom, and wife. Once a couple rounds of chemo set in, she eventually developed aphasia and lost the strength to stand or walk on her own. I am sharing all this to point out the significance of where Mom was and how God has blessed her to be at the point she is now. We serve a mighty God who has graciously allowed Mom's body to get back to a point where she is speaking, is walking, and caring for herself and her home again. We see her serving her husband by making delicious meals, even though it may take countless hours which in turn brings about frustration. She is upholding her title as Mammy to 16 grandchildren by attending numerous sporting events and helping them find tasty treats tucked away in the pantry. She is being the mom, sister and daughter she's always been by entertaining us all with that honest wit of hers; saying things only she can get away with saying. I don't know how she does it! God has blessed Mom in incredible ways! She has gained back enough strength and continues to challenge her mind daily which in turn has brought her to a level of independence that has been a year in the making. She is finally getting some solitude! Even so, she still has to put up with us darling daughters a large percentage of the day, and on occasion must ride in our clean and not so clean minivans with the best to the worst of drivers. BUT, she's also getting the house to herself for periods of time. We continue to pray that her strength will improve and her mind will become even more clear as her desire is to have the full independence she once had; independence I, and possibly you, am guilty of taking for granted. Please pray for her in this way.

I am thankful for doctors and specifically the eye doctor God has put in Mom's life to

help in correcting her vision. I am happy to report that after two successful cataract surgeries Mom now has 20/20 vision. Her blurry vision had been plaguing her for months, and to have it corrected is a wonderful thing. Thank you for your prayers on her behalf concerning this matter. Praise God. She has since ditched the magnifying glass she relied on to help with her vision or lack there of!

I am thankful for parents who love one another and honor their wedding vows even when they are stretched to the limits. "In sickness and in health." "For better or for worse." It's easy to say, "I do," when the person you are looking at is young and vibrant and life is seemingly full of bliss. The truths of these vows can seem so far in the future making the reality of them unthinkable. But kids happen, parenting begins, schedules get hectic, stresses occur, years go by and then....this...I have been given the privilege to grow up in a home where I have been witness to two parents who love one another unconditionally no matter the circumstances, and this time has been no different. I do not take this lightly and give thanks to God for them both!!!

Last but not least, foremost actually, I am thankful for a God who loves us. To God be the Glory! "This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him," (Psalm 18:30). And I am grateful that "all the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies." (Psalm 25:10). And although none of us would have planned for the last 15 months to unfold the way they have, we hold fast to our faith in Jesus Christ and trust in the Lord because "many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand," (Proverbs 19:21). "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!" (Romans 11:33). “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it,” (Psalms 118:24).

Praise God with us as you continue to keep Mom and all of us in your prayers. This means more to us than we could ever express.



Now and then.

The top picture is taken of Mom with almost half her grandchildren just a couple weeks ago on October 31st. The image below is a picture taken a year ago this week during the hospital stay on account of the seizure. God has done great things! A year in the making.

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